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Text File
899 lines
(object 1 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 2 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "livingWith")
(attribute displayName "Living With")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 3 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeAddress street")
(attribute columnWidth 25)
(object 4 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeAddress street2")
(attribute columnWidth 25)
(object 5 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeAddress city")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 6 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeAddress state")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 7 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeAddress zip")
(attribute columnWidth 7)
(object 8 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeAddress country")
(attribute columnWidth 8)
(object 10 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Person Home Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) )
(object 11 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 12 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workingWith")
(attribute displayName "Working With")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 13 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "companyName")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 14 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workAddress street")
(attribute columnWidth 25)
(object 15 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workAddress street2")
(attribute columnWidth 25)
(object 16 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workAddress city")
(attribute displayName "City")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 17 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workAddress state")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 18 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workAddress zip")
(attribute columnWidth 7)
(object 19 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workAddress country")
(attribute columnWidth 8)
(object 20 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Person Work Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19))
(object 121 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 122 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "livingWith")
(attribute displayName "Living With")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 123 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "altAddress street")
(attribute columnWidth 25)
(object 124 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "altAddress street2")
(attribute columnWidth 25)
(object 125 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "altAddress city")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 126 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "altAddress state")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 127 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "altAddress zip")
(attribute columnWidth 7)
(object 128 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "altAddress country")
(attribute columnWidth 8)
(object 130 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Person Alternate Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128) )
(object 21 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 22 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "alias")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 23 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "emailSet emailAddress")
(attribute columnWidth 30)
(object 24 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "emailSet emailType")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 25 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "urlSet urlAddress")
(attribute columnWidth 30)
(object 30 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Person Email/Web")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 21 22 23 24 25))
(object 31 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 32 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "livingWith")
(attribute displayName "Living With")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 33 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "spouse")
(attribute displayName "Spouse")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 34 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeTelSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Home Phone")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 35 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workTelSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Work Phone")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 36 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "homeFaxSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Home Fax")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 37 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "workFaxSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Work Fax")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 40 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Person Tel/Fax Numbers")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 31 32 33 34 35 36 37))
(object 41 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 42 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "birthDate")
(attribute columnWidth 13)
(object 43 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "marriageDate")
(attribute columnWidth 13)
(object 50 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Person Birth/Marriage Dates")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 41 42 43))
(object 51 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 52 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "sex")
(attribute displayName "Sex")
(attribute columnWidth 8)
(object 53 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "spouse")
(attribute displayName "Spouse")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 54 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "father")
(attribute displayName "Father")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 55 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "mother")
(attribute displayName "Mother")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 56 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "children")
(attribute displayName "Children")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 60 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Family Relationship")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 51 52 53 54 55 56))
(object 61 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "businessName")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 62 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "additionalName")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 63 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "address street")
(attribute columnWidth 18)
(object 64 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "address street2")
(attribute columnWidth 18)
(object 65 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "address city")
(attribute displayName "City")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 66 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "address state")
(attribute columnWidth 5)
(object 67 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "address zip")
(attribute columnWidth 7)
(object 68 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "address country")
(attribute columnWidth 7)
(object 70 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Business Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Business")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68))
(object 71 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "businessName")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 72 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "additionalName")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 73 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "telSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Tel")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 74 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "faxSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Fax")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 75 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "emailSet emailAddress")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 76 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "emailSet emailType")
(attribute columnWidth 12)
(object 77 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "urlSet urlAddress")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 80 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Business Tel/Fax/Email/Web")
(attribute objectClassName "Business")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 71 72 73 74 75 76 77))
(object 81 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "name")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 82 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "comments")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 90 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Groups")
(attribute objectClassName "Group")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 81 82))
(object 91 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "accountName")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 92 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "accountType")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 93 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "accountNumber")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 94 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "accessCode")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 95 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "expirationDate")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 96 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "custSrvTelSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Customer Service Tel")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 97 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "autoAccessTelSet phoneNumber")
(attribute displayName "Auto Access Tel")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 98 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "emailSet emailAddress")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 99 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "urlSet urlAddress")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 100 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Accounts")
(attribute objectClassName "Account")
(attribute tableCellSet (GiSet 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99))
(object 101 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "description")
(attribute displayName "Description")
(attribute columnWidth 20)
(object 102 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "priority")
(attribute displayName "Priority")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 103 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "toDoOnDate")
(attribute displayName "ToDo On Date")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 104 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "status")
(attribute displayName "Status")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 105 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "groupSet")
(attribute displayName "Category")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 106 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "comments")
(attribute displayName "Comments")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 107 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "dateCompleted")
(attribute displayName "Date Completed")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 110 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "ToDo")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute tableCellSet(GiSet 101 102 103 104 105 106 107))
(object 111 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "description")
(attribute displayName "Description")
(attribute columnWidth 20)
(object 112 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "nextDate")
(attribute displayName "Next Date")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 113 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "frequency")
(attribute displayName "Frequency")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 114 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "numDaysBefore")
(attribute displayName "Days Before To Remind")
(attribute columnWidth 10)
(object 115 TableCellSchema
(attribute attrName "comments")
(attribute displayName "Comments")
(attribute columnWidth 15)
(object 120 TableSchema
(attribute tableName "Reminders")
(attribute objectClassName "Reminder")
(attribute tableCellSet(GiSet 111 112 113 114 115))
// last table schcema object number is: 130
(object 201 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Person Home Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute rule "$(name)\n#(homeAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country))")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 202 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Person Home Address/Phone/Fax/EMail/Web")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute rule "$(name)\n#(homeAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city),$(state)$(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(homeTelSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber) (H)\n)#(workTelSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber) (W)\n)#(homeFaxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber) (H)\n)#(workFaxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber) (W)\n)#(emailSet:Email: $(emailAddress)\n)#(urlSet:Url: $(urlAddress)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 203 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Person Alternate Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute filterSchema 504) // Filter by valid alternate address
(attribute rule "$(name)\n#(altAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country))")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 204 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Person Work Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute rule "$(name)\n#(companyName:$(companyName)\n)#(workAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country))")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 205 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Person Work Address/Phone/Email/Url")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute rule "$(name)\n#(companyName:$(companyName)\n)#(workAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(workTelSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(workFaxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(emailSet:Email: $(emailAddress)\n)#(urlSet:Url: $(urlAddress)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 206 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Family Home Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute filterSchema 501) // Filter by head of household
(attribute rule "$(firstName)#(middleName: $(middleName))#(spouse: and $(firstName)#(middleName: $(middleName))) $(lastName)\n#(homeAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country))")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 207 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Family Home Address/Phone")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute filterSchema 501) // Filter by head of household
(attribute rule "$(firstName)#(middleName: $(middleName))#(spouse: and $(firstName)#(middleName: $(middleName))) $(lastName)\n#(homeAddress:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city),$(state)$(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(homeTelSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber) (H)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 208 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Business Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Business")
(attribute rule "$(businessName)\n#(additionalName:$(additionalName)\n)#(address:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city),$(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 209 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Business Address/Phone/Email/Url")
(attribute objectClassName "Business")
(attribute rule "$(businessName)\n#(additionalName:$(additionalName)\n)#(address:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(telSet:Tel: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(faxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(emailSet:Email: $(emailAddress)\n)#(urlSet:Url: $(urlAddress)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 210 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Account Address")
(attribute objectClassName "Account")
(attribute rule "$(accountName)\n#(address:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city),$(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 211 ReportSchema
(attribute reportName "Account Address/Phone/Email/Url")
(attribute objectClassName "Account")
(attribute rule "$(accountName)\n#(address:#(street:$(street)\n)#(street2:$(street2)\n)$(city), $(state) $(zip)\n$(country)\n)#(custSrvTelSet:Cust: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(autoAccessTelSet:Auto: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(faxSet:Fax: $(phoneNumber)\n)#(emailSet:Email: $(emailAddress)\n)#(urlSet:Url: $(urlAddress)\n)")
(attribute colWidth 3600)
(attribute rowHeightMaxText giTrue)
(attribute interColSpacing 288)
(attribute interRowSpacing 288)
(attribute numCols 2)
(attribute paperWidth 12240)
(attribute paperHeight 15840)
(attribute leftMargin 1080)
(attribute rightMargin 1080)
(attribute topMargin 1080)
(attribute bottomMargin 1080)
(object 301 ExportChoiceSchema
(attribute target 0x01) // exportTargetCIM1x
(attribute dataChoices 0x11) // email, email+fax
(attribute objectClassNames "Person Business")
(attribute dosRelativePath "addrbook.dat")
(attribute rootDir "C:\CSERVE")
(object 302 ExportChoiceSchema
(attribute target 0x02) // exportTargetCIM2x
(attribute dataChoices 0x11) // email, email+fax
(attribute objectClassNames "Person Business")
(attribute dosRelativePath "support\addrbook.dat")
(attribute rootDir "C:\CSERVE")
(object 303 ExportChoiceSchema
(attribute target 0x03) // exportTargetTabTextFile
(attribute dataChoices 0x20) // list data
(attribute dataSource 0x01) // list
(attribute dosRelativePath "list.txt")
(object 304 ExportChoiceSchema
(attribute target 0x04) // exportTargetCommaTextFile
(attribute dataChoices 0x20) // list data
(attribute dataSource 0x01) // list
(attribute dosRelativePath "list.txt")
(object 401 SortSchema
(attribute sortName "Last Name, First Name")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute sortString "$(lastName) $(firstName)")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
//(object 402 SortSchema
// (attribute sortName (GiString "First Name, Last Name"))
// (attribute objectClassName (GiString "Person"))
// (attribute sortString (GiString "$(name) "))
// (attribute ignoreCase (GiBoolean giTrue))
(object 403 SortSchema
(attribute sortName "Status, Priority")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute sortString "$(status) $(priority)")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 404 SortSchema
(attribute sortName "Next Date")
(attribute objectClassName "Reminder")
(attribute sortString "$(nextDate) $(description)")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 501 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Head of Household")
(attribute filterString "$(livingWith) = Empty")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 502 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Husband or Individual")
(attribute filterString "$(spouse) = Empty Or $(sex) != \"Female\"")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 503 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Wife or Individual")
(attribute filterString "$(spouse) = Empty Or $(sex) != \"Male\"")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 504 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Has Alternate Address")
(attribute filterString "$(altAddress) != Empty")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 505 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Birthdays or Anniversaries this month")
(attribute filterString "$(birthDate) = ThisMonth Or $(marriageDate) = ThisMonth")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 506 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Birthdays or Anniversaries next month")
(attribute filterString "$(birthDate) = NextMonth Or $(marriageDate) = NextMonth")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 507 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Birthdays or Anniversaries today")
(attribute filterString "($(birthDate) = ThisDay And $(birthDate) = ThisMonth) Or ($(marriageDate) = ThisDay And $(marriageDate) = ThisMonth)")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 508 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "Birthdays or Anniversaries tomorrow")
(attribute filterString "($(birthDate) = NextDay And $(birthDate) = ThisMonth) Or ($(marriageDate) = NextDay And $(marriageDate) = ThisMonth)")
(attribute objectClassName "Person")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 509 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo Not Completed")
(attribute filterString "$(status) != \"Completed\"")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 510 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo Today")
(attribute filterString "$(todoOnDate) = Today")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 511 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo Today or earlier")
(attribute filterString "$(todoOnDate) <= Today")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 512 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo Tomorrow")
(attribute filterString "$(todoOnDate) = Tomorrow")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 513 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo tomorrow or earlier")
(attribute filterString "$(todoOnDate) <= Tomorrow")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 514 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo this month")
(attribute filterString "$(todoOnDate) = ThisMonth And $(todoOnDate) = ThisYear")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 515 FilterSchema
(attribute filterName "ToDo next month")
(attribute filterString "$(todoOnDate) = NextMonth And $(todoOnDate) = ThisYear")
(attribute objectClassName "ToDo")
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(object 901 LookSchema
(attribute lookWhat 0x87) // lookAddress | lookTelephone | lookFax | lookAccountDetails
(attribute ignoreCase giTrue)
(attribute matchType 3) // GiString::GI_MatchContains
(attribute openAtStartup giTrue)
(object 1001 OptionsSchema
(attribute majorVersion 1)
(attribute minorVersion 0)
(attribute patchVersion 0)
(attribute serialNumber 0)
(attribute installNumber 784420930)
(attribute autoOpenLastFile giTrue)
(attribute shareHomeTelephone giTrue)
(attribute shareHomeFax giTrue)